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Theatre of the Absurd
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Nikola Orsinov 04-Aug-21 12:16 AM
putting it here because mobile formatting dumb and i couldnt include it in the original announcement, but this is the list of all dead characters!
PANDÆMONIUM The main theme of this game will be Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife! To sign up to this game, please send me or [ori4thewin]: -A character. This character must have died permanently in a previous Objective game. -Where they ended up in the Afterlife according to you (Heaven or Hell), as well as an explanation for why they ended up in Heaven/Hell. This explanation can be either something from that character's original lore or an action/actions they did in the Objective game they died in. Please ensure this explanation is relatively short, 1-2 sentences. -An objective for said character. The game will start in one week. We will have a soft player cap at 18 players but it might change depending on how many we get. Sign-ups close on the 5th of August at 1pm EST
Nikola Orsinov 04-Aug-21 12:33 AM
I'd also like to say that we require one (1) other NPC, so if anyone is interested, please DM me.
Nikola Orsinov 04-Aug-21 12:44 AM
NPC acquired.
Nikola Orsinov 04-Aug-21 01:36 AM
the vault is open!
Nikola Orsinov 04-Aug-21 08:30 PM
The player cap has been extended to 20. 19 places have been taken
Nikola Orsinov 04-Aug-21 08:51 PM
*people who have signed up but not yet given a character or objective count as one of the 19
👍 1
Nikola Orsinov 04-Aug-21 09:06 PM
two people took the final slot at the same time, so the count has been extended to 21. signups are now closed!
Nikola Orsinov 05-Aug-21 08:41 PM
Meepster has had to drop out.
crying 11
Kurukuru 05-Aug-21 08:43 PM
That means we're back to 20, by the way.
Nikola Orsinov 09-Aug-21 07:57 PM
Game will start at 2pm tomorrow!
Nikola Orsinov 09-Aug-21 08:43 PM
Profiles have been sent! Game starts in just over 22 hours smirk2
Nikola Orsinov 10-Aug-21 06:02 PM
Greetings, Lost Souls! Welcome, to your purpose here in the afterlife - the Great War!
Kurukuru 10-Aug-21 06:02 PM
Nonono, you're too early!
Nikola Orsinov 10-Aug-21 06:03 PM
Ugh, you're such a stickler for the rules, old man
Kurukuru 10-Aug-21 06:03 PM
We agreed to explain it in an hour!
Nikola Orsinov 10-Aug-21 06:03 PM
We brought these guys here for fun! Look at em, they're all riled up to start fighting for us
Kurukuru 10-Aug-21 06:04 PM
They're -
Yeah ok I guess you're right
But was it really that hard to wait an extra hour?
Nikola Orsinov 10-Aug-21 06:05 PM
One more hour - then we can throw wide the gates, release the souls from Limbo
And get this party started!
Kurukuru 10-Aug-21 06:05 PM
THANK you.
Oh my me, you're tough to deal with sometimes.
Nikola Orsinov 10-Aug-21 06:06 PM
Yeah, well, that won't matter much after this, will it? One of us has gotta go
Kurukuru 10-Aug-21 06:06 PM
Yeah, yeah. I know.
And to all the lost souls watching - May the best side win!
👍 9
Nikola Orsinov 10-Aug-21 07:02 PM
@Actor it begins!
Kurukuru 10-Aug-21 07:07 PM
...And there you go stealing my lines again.
Nikola Orsinov 12-Aug-21 03:04 PM
Rollover is likely to be up to an hour late today.
👍 5
This should be a one-off occurrence.
Nikola Orsinov 12-Aug-21 09:29 PM
Reminder that you should send in any related roll modifiers you have to an action, or they may not be counted. (edited)
Nikola Orsinov 16-Aug-21 06:11 PM
Im really sorry about this, but rollover is going to be late. I can't currently give an estimate as to how long.
👍 10
Kurukuru 18-Aug-21 06:49 PM
This phase will be extended by 1 hour!
👍 4
Nikola Orsinov 19-Aug-21 04:34 PM
The excitement this war once brought to us is fading.
🤔 5
Kurukuru 19-Aug-21 04:45 PM
But it isn't about us anymore, is it?
Nikola Orsinov 19-Aug-21 04:59 PM
I suppose you're right. Let them decide their own ending.
Kurukuru 19-Aug-21 05:00 PM
Phase 12. That's when this war ends, once and for all.
1️⃣ 6
2️⃣ 5
Nikola Orsinov 21-Aug-21 08:48 PM
@Actor A quiet voice can be heard on the air. "Was I a good hard-working girl?"
👍 4
oooooooohhhhhhhh 4
Nikola Orsinov 21-Aug-21 09:25 PM
This is the final phase.
oooooooohhhhhhhh 6
(please bear with us)
👍 1
🐻 4
Kurukuru 21-Aug-21 09:28 PM
hahh... it sure is...
we may... be experiencing... some technical difficulties... (edited)
🖥️ 7
Nikola Orsinov 22-Aug-21 08:46 PM
After forgiving their friend, Brine got to chill in paradise. Altered Beast even made them a pet dragon! Isn't that so cool? Death lets Superb come visit from time to time, too. But wait. Wasn't this all just a game on a screen? NAME: Superb CHARACTER: Brinelex Brine
What the hell? Where are you- WAIT IS THIS HEAVEN? DID YOU SERIOUSLY JUST DIE? Last thing you can remember is... Superb tying you down to an electric chair. Huh. Welp. You weren't expecting this, but I guess it's time to take your revenge on your friend...
Objective: Put Superb on the electric chair. Ability: Objective Player You are an Objective Player. As such, you can use your RP to convey different characters that Brinelex has played in the past. By adopting the mannerisms and quirks of a character Brine has played in the past, you may use some of that character's abilities for the phase. These abilities do not have to be related to game where Brinelex originally played them. The more and the longer you devote yourself to the character you are trying to convey during the phase and the more the ability is going to be efficient. The real Brinelex Brine will need to confirm whether your RP was fitting or not to see if you may use the ability you wish to use. Skill: Literally Just Brinelex You are Brinelex. Literally. You chose this. YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF, SUPERB. When you are not roleplaying as a previous character they might have played, you must roleplay as Brinelex. If the real Brinelex believes that you represented them correctly, you will get from a +1 to a +5 bonus on your roll, depending on how well they think you did. However, if the real Brinelex believes that you horribly misrepresented them, they may choose to give you from a -1 to a -5 on your roll, depending on how badly they think you fucked up.
Alive? Yes Objective complete? No - Brine abandoned their objective after being attacked by Eridan.
@Phanto Mask
For a being who kills archangels for fun, you'd think an eternal void would get boring. But you have some great opponents down here in France - that Fishbunjin guy is pretty tough! Maybe one day Death will finally take up your challenge. He looks tougher than the Sun - that thing was a pushover! NAME: @Amalgam (edited)
Mankind is dead. Blood is fuel. Hell is full. Sun is alive.
Objective: So that weird flaming ball in the sky looked at me funny and decided to make everything scorching hot on my plating. So as REVENGE for its crime of being HOT and BIG and most of all being VERY BRIGHT I will KILL THE SUN! Skill: Style Meter With your robotic strength, you uniquely can carry more than one gun at once. You rely on acrobatic combos to increase your power. Using your guns for creative purposes instead of directly attacking increases the style meter. The style meter starts at D and increases up to ULTRAKILL. Repeating the same action causes the style meter to drop. You can use every gun you are currently holding in one turn. If you are attacking with a gun, you will receieve a severe accuracy penalty, unless the style meter is high enough. The style meter required increases with the amount of gun attacks you make in one turn. D C - accuracy penalty for 1 weapon is negated. B A - accuracy penalty for up to 2 weapons is negated. S SS - accuracy penalty for up to 3 weapons is negated. SSS ULTRAKILL - accuracy penalty for up to 4 weapons is negated. Skill: Parry You gain a natural bonus of +5 to your defend action! As well, if it blocks all damage, then your style meter increases! Special Item: Marksman Your trusty pistol and coin. A shot from this deals 0.75 damage! Instead of firing usually, you can flip a coin in the air, name a target, and shoot that instead. The coin is harder to hit, but if you hit it, then it will automatically hit your target! The target can be anyone or anything, anywhere on the map.
Alive? Yes
Objective complete? Yes - V1 killed the Clockwork Sun on phase 7
Will you ever get bored of having whatever you want at your fingertips? Your weird, fleshy, fingertips? Nah! Ruling Paradise is great! You thought the catbeast was annoying at first, but it turns out he's pretty funny, all things considered. He makes a pretty good co-ruler, too. The two of you have learned from the mistakes of your predecessors, and made an afterlife that will truly last forever! NAME: @Altered Yeast CHARACTER: Altered Beast
As soon as the dust settles, you can see. A new World, in place of where the old one had been. You have died, but you are not truly dead. Not here. You are in Hell. Your wretched actions and putrid intentions have sent you there. But you shall not give up. The ruler of this place promises a new purpose for your existence. They are a fool. After all, you are the most primordial of all beings. You are the sabre, the catapult, and bat, you are the top of the food chain in your habitat, you are the demon bearing misery and fear. This world will be yours. This world will be altered. Player: pizzie Character: Altered Beast Objective: Become the King of both heaven and hell Ability: Primordial Beast You are the Altered Beast, the Primordial Being. You feast and devour the corpses of your enemies. You alter their genetic composition, and in turn, they become you. You may bite the corpses of the deceased. This will heal you by 0.5 hearts per corpse. However, this has the side effect of injecting DNA into their corpse and turning them into Altered Beasts. These revived corpses are frail and rotting. They will only stay alive for 3 phases after their resurrection, and they are revived with only 1.5 hearts, without their original abilities. Once 3 phases have passed, or once they are killed once more, they will return to nothingness. Corpses that have died twice cannot be revived. If you, the main Altered Beast, die, every other Altered Beast shall perish as well.
Alive? Yes
Objective complete? Yes. Altered Beast gained Lucifer's title on phase 3 and God's on phase 7
The endless void of France is pretty boring, to be honest. Nothing like the chaos you caused all over the afterlife. You wonder what would happen if you swap some of the words around... ALL IS MINIFRIDGE NAME: @Bernkastel CHARACTER: Baba
Huh. We had no idea such an innocent seeming being could hide such a force of chaos behind it. Hah, well, perfect for the armies of Hell... Player: AClowderOfCats Character: Baba Objective: Drastically change at least 3 areas in some way Ability: Meta-transformation You can transform any item you are holding into a word. Words are big items. Anyone who is holding a word can swap it for any word in an area description, as long as the new sentence makes grammatical sense. The area will then change to reflect the new description. Skill: Big is Push You can carry multiple big items at once!
Alive? Yes Objective complete? Yes. Replaced God's cube with a monitor, the clouds in cloudtops with cubes, and the void in purgatory with clouds, among other things.
Is there anything more natural, more pure, than an infinite void where one can behave however they want without fear of judgement by society? You're glad that other souls agreed with you on this. You can piss where you want and no-one gives a shit! NAME: @Robbie and the Rottens CHARACTER: Diogenes
You've led a simple life. Nothing too good, nothing too bad. And yet, you are remarkable in your neutrality. And so, you've ended up here - the dumping ground of the deities, the no man's land in an infinite conflict of chaos. Honestly, its not too bad. You could get used to this. Just gotta find a home... Player: DirtySpaceman Character: Diogenes Objective: Convince at least three people to make a change to simplify their (after)life, and find a new item to use as a home. Skill: Simplistic Solutions You are an excellent philosopher! When your debating skills are proven by peacefully changing someone else's mind, both you and your opponent gain a +7 bonus to your action! However, if you tell anyone about this ability, then your arguments are proven to ring hollow, and you lose this skill.
Alive? Yes Objective complete? Yes. Diogenes convinced many other characters to follow him to France on phase 12.
True 2
This feels strikingly similar to the end of Alien 4. Another end to a grand saga, set in the ruins of France - hell, even that girl who was into you is here! Something feels a little different this time, though. The curse of bad writing has lifted from your shoulders - no longer are you defined by a sexist writer. You are you. NAME: @Valvatti CHARACTER: Ripley-8
You have always been a stranger, out of place wherever you lived. The clone of a woman who's defence of the galaxy earned her great fame, yet due to nothing but the circumstances of your creation you received nothing but hostility. A survivor stranded upon a planet who's demise you played a great part in, yet you were an alien among the home of your race. Perhaps now you are in the afterlife, you can finally find peace... But first you must find the man who was responsible for your suffering, and end his pitiful afterlife. Player: ThePopStarDude Character: Ellen Ripley Objective: Kill Joss Whedon Special Item: The Newborn The soul of the newborn birthed from the hybrid Queen has followed you to hell, and it is still imprinted upon you. The Xenomorph acts like an item, and cannot leave your possession. You can command it to deal an attack that does 1.5 hearts of damage, however doing so will put severe psychological strain on you. Each time you use it, there is a chance that your mental state will waver. This will cause the Xenomorph to believe that the mental damage afflicting you is a real enemy, and it will lash out at a random character instead of the intended target, with a lower chance to hit. The chance of the target changing increases every time you use this ability.
Alive? Yes Objective complete? Yes. Ripley chased Joss inside the tree, where he was killed by Fishbunjin
Kyoko... Wait. Where's Kyoko? She didn't... SHE LEFT??? HOW??? ... Well, I suppose her death was unfair in the first place. Maybe she can get a life in peace, after avenging her death - although she's bound to return here eventually. NAME: @Coyote Smith CHARACTER: Kyoko
Woah! You're dead! That's, like, totally uncool. And where is your boyfriend, Riki? Well, put that aside for now - we're going to war against those heaven folks! And maybe you can survive a rooftop building collapse while you're at it. Player: Pablo Smith Character: Kyoko Objective: Survive a rooftop building collapse Skill: Combo Kick You excel at dealing multiple fast kicks. Your regular attack only does 0.25 damage, but it hits three times! You can split your kicks over 1-3 targets. Landing 5 hits overall builds your Agility meter to full. Ability: Dragon Feet You can expend a full Agility meter to perform your special move! You perform a roundhouse kick, dealing 0.75 damage to every target you select in the area, with no maximum! You then perform your move action instantly, backflipping out of danger.
Alive? Yes Objective complete? Yes. Kyoko set up her own rooftop collapse and survived it.
Well, the afterlife was... eventful. Sucks that you died again, but whatever. The after-afterlife is pretty chill anyway, as... I? You? We can attest. It's a bit weird that you have two entities inside you, but hey, maybe the power boost means that you could beat fish buddy when it comes time for a rematch. NAME: @Pasqualo Trianglini CHARACTER: Pasqualo Trianglini
You've been through a lot, haven't you, poor Pasqualo. It really does hurt. But now, with the full extent of your cyborg powers, and an entire underworld of souls laid out before you... You can finally take out some of that hurt on the world. Player: Cathode Character: Pasqualo Trianglini Objective: Wipe 3 areas of souls, and kill 4 other characters (player or NPC). Skill: Cyborg Regeneration As proven time and time again, you are virtually indestructible. Your cyborg body will heal any damage done to it through the power of nanomachines! After going a phase without taking any damage, you are healed to full health. Skill: Cybernetic Acceleration Your body seems to be a little weaker than usual down here in hell, but you're just getting warmed up! You deal 1 heart of damage with your standard attack, and every consecutive attack you land on the same target doubles in damage!
Alive? No Objective complete? ERROR [CONTRACT VOIDED]
You lost the first Pokemon battle of the afterlife, but it's no big deal! There's plenty of fun and adventures to be had on the road ahead, and you're here for all of eternity! You could teach others the art of Pokemon battling - hell, why not start a League? NAME: @Nagisa Furukawa CHARACTER: Hilda
After defeating Team Plasma, and preventing the destruction of your home region of Unova, your adventure continues in this strange new place! Although the rules on what is and isn't a pokemon seem to work differently here... Player: loweffortmemes Character: Hilda (Pokémon) Objective: Engage in a Pokémon battle with at least one other character! Skill: Gotta catch em all! You can ask another player to be your pokémon! All that is required is for them to agree. Ability: I wanna be the very best If you are in an area with at least one of your pokémon, as well as at least one player who is not your pokémon, you can initiate a pokémon battle! All players in the area except for you are given a mock healthbar of 1.5 hearts. On your turn, you can command each of your pokémon to take an extra action, directed towards the opposing players. Opposing players also get an extra action directed towards your pokémon. Damage dealt in this way is dealt to mock healthbars. When a player runs out of mock health, they are no longer considered to be in the battle. If a player leaves the area, they are no longer considered to be in the battle. If you leave the area, the battle is abandoned. If all the enemy pokémon are removed from the battle, and you still have pokémon in the battle, you win! You will get a prize for winning.
Alive? Yes
Objective complete? Yes. Hilda fought Retsuko in a pokemon battle on phase 11
No matter what everyone says, you know deep down in your heart that you are a good hard-working girl. Most people agree with you! While your final moment of glory wasn't as final as intended, you rather enjoy your friends joining you down here in France. You haven't found Mr Togami down here yet, but you'll keep on searching. He's gotta be down here somewhere! NAME: @No Face CHARACTER: Retsuko
Man, such a good-natured office worker seems a bit out of place in a conflict this chaotic. Surely you've got something to hide, given that you were recruited for this battle! Maybe be less generous with your defensive items this time around... Player: Ahmaykmewsik Character: Retsuko Objective: All Characters must agree that Retsuko is a "Good-Hardworking-Girl" that does not cause any trouble. Characters who witness Retusko doing something that does not fit this description must be persuaded otherwise. Additionally, Retsuko must do something during the game that strongly does not fit this description. Skill: Pent Up Anger As a good office worker, you've learned to hide your frustrations. However, all that anger has to go somewhere! You'll just have to find a way to find a way to release it in a socially acceptable way. Whenever you do something frustrating or for the good of another player, your anger builds up. Doing something aggressive or chaotic will release this anger, granting you a bonus that scales exponentially with how much anger you have pent up, as determined by the GMs.
...Rage. Hatred. Pure and raw anger flows through you. Your limbs have grown past recognition. Your flesh has twisted itself, and you crawled back to the tree. Became one with it. Its horrid form is now yours, and you forced it to grow, beyond even what Wayne had managed. Beyond everything possibly imaginable. It hurts. You are in so much pain. You are in between the Afterlife and... something else. You have become more than anything or anyone in this realm. You are the whole. Player: Ahmaykmewsik Character: Retsuko Objective: All Characters (not players) at the end of the game must agree that Restuko is a "Good-Hardworking-Girl" that does not cause anyone any trouble. Characters who witness Restuko doing something that does not fit this description must be persuaded otherwise. Additionally, Restuko must do something during the game that strongly does not fit this description. Ability: Unstoppable Rage You have grown past anything imaginable. Your flesh is now part of every single area in the Afterlife. You may see and talk in every area that exists. Your rage is immense, unmeasurable, impossible to comprehend. You may have one action per area if you wish. However, each additional area where you perform an action will take more of your focus and will lower your roll by 2. Ability: Fueled by Hatred Anger runs through your veins, powers and commands your every move, flowing through your blood and poisoning your thoughts. You may state or list what angers when sending your actions. Each additional reason that you find to power your anger will provide +1 on your roll, which will affect every single action you perform in every single area. You may not go past 15 reasons.
Alive? No Objective complete? No, several people voted against her in the poll
oooooooohhhhhhhh 11
Successful Hot Ones branches established throughout the afterlife? Check! A highly profitable smuggling buisness established alongside Jean Lafitte? Check! The burning essence of an immortal machine inside of you that constantly shouts out for order? Check! You even managed to snag yourself a partnership with the Queen of Hell herself, but you know that won't last forever.
NAME: @Arcueid Brunestud CHARACTER: Sean Evans
Wow, I didn't know we had a celebrity guest in this war! Hopefully someone like you can boost the morale of our troops in heaven. just... maybe think twice about visiting hell without reason. Wouldn't want the fires of damnation stirring up any uncomfortable memories about your death. Player: ZelRaat Character: Sean Evans Objective: Open a spicy food store as a front to help my friend Jean Lafitte smuggle goods from hell to heaven and vice versa. Ability: Expert Gameshow Host Due to your charisma and expert hosting skills, you can even host your hit gameshow in the afterlife! During a phase, you can ask people if they wish to participate in a round of Hot Ones. If they accept, the round starts next phase. If they accept, both your movement actions are cancelled. During the next phase, you may each ask each other up to 5 questions, and the other must respond truthfully, or take 0.5 hearts of damage. At the start of the phase, this will be made clear to your participant. Every question you ask gives you a stacking negative to your roll this round (-1 if one is asked, -3 for 2, -6 for 3, -10 for 4, -15 for 5). Skill: Business Opportunity If you both ask all five questions, the participant gains item "The Last Dab", which they can use to give another player a roll debuff, and a food store branch is opened in that area, providing infinite free Hot wings, which restore 0.5 hearts and give a -2 debuff when eaten. You can use this ability infinitely, as long as people accept. You must open one branch in Heaven and one in Hell to complete your objective.
The Dawn Machine, reincarnated, shall bring order to this fractured afterlife. Ability: Cleansing Flame Order cares not about conflict. Render all souls one under the Sun. You can use the flames of the Sun to strip a player of their cosmic alignment, and turn them into a Clockwork Soul instead. Clockwork Souls will be greatly rewarded for following your will. You still retain your previous abilities.
Alive? Yes Objective complete? Yes. Sean interviewed Billy and Zero, opening two Hot Ones branches and allowing Jean Lafitte to smuggle goods.
He's still searching for his purpose, but he's got all of eternity to find it! With Eridan and other friends by his side, who knows what the future will hold? He never solved a mystery, but maybe the true mystery was the friends we made along the way.
NAME: @Dry Chef CHARACTER: Dry Bones
Huh? A Skeleton? But you're supposed to keep your flesh while transitioning into the afterlife... Well, what really matters is that this place is full of mysteries, and you know you're the one to solve them. Or, you know, participate in the war we recruited you for. Objective: Heaven [Dry Bones - Mario 64 Castle Act II] The last thing Dry Bones remembered was trying to solve a murder so that the culprit could be brought to justice, but the memory seems to get blurry there. As an innocent soul who wanted to stop some vile killers, Dry Bones would belong in Heaven. Objective: If there is another character in the game who is a detective or has an objective related to solving a mystery, Dry Bones must assist that character adequately. That player will start the game knowing that Dry Bones is to assist them (in the case of more than one detective, GM’s choice on who Dry Bones should assist). Victory is determined by whether that character believes that Dry Bones was an adequate assistant to them. If there are no other detectives in the game or if the detective rejects the help (they should be allowed this option), then Dry Bones’s objective is to simply solve a mystery (and correctly determine who the culprit is if the mystery involves a culprit). Dry Bones does not start the game knowing which of the above two conditionals became true. (edited)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hell [Dry Bones - Mario 64 Castle Act I] Dry Bones was fated to be a murderer, but wasn't really good at it though because Shy Guy, that damn partner of his, killed him thinking he was a good guy. This intent to kill and the rage that followed such betrayal would place Dry Bones in Hell. Objective: Dry Bones must help the character with the most hostile objective complete their objective. That player will start the game knowing that someone is to help them with their objective, but is not specifically told who and is instead given a pair of code words: One that they must say, and one that their helper (Dry Bones) will respond with. Dry Bones is also given the pair of code words. Victory is determined by whether that character believes that Dry Bones helped with their objective. If the player decides that they don’t want help (they should be allowed this option) or never fully make contact with Dry Bones using the code words, then Dry Bones’s objective is to simply get revenge on Shy Guy in some way. Dry Bones does not start the game knowing whether the other character has accepted the help or not, but Dry Bones is given the two code words anyway.
Ability: Rigourous Analysis With your keen detective skills, you can closely inspect a character, item or area, to learn more about its past. If you use this on a character, you can discover what they did last turn. If you use this on an item, you can discover what the last use of that item was. If you use this on an area, you can discover how the area changed last. Skill: Skeletal Regeneration Due to your skeletal nature, it's quite tough to kill you. The first time you are reduced to 0 hearts, you become a pile of bones. If the bones are undisturbed for a phase, you revive the phase after with half a heart remaining. Man, if only you had this skill back when you died for the first time...
Alive? Yes Objective complete? No. Dry Bones picked up on a few mystery threads, but abandoned them in favour of friendship.
♦️ 5
Well, despite dying twice, that excursion was surprisingly... fulfilling? You found something special. Not just a strong opponent, but a... Friend? You feel like you're in your prime, and with the way time works in the afterlife, you might just stay that way. ...But you've never been one for words, huh? To put it simply;_ BREEEEEEEEEEP
pogsire 4
🇧 5
🇷 5
🇪 5
📧 5
🇵 5
NAME: @Fish Trouble CHARACTER: Fishbunjin
Well this is a unique... Thing. Isn't your kind supposed to be really weak? Though, I can't complain with having you on the side of hell. We could really use some man... err, fish-power. Player: ATotallyLongOriginalUsername Character: Ultra Fishbunjin 3000 Objective: Beat an opponent in battle, then proceed to flex on them. Skill: Peak Physical Performance Everybody knows fitness is achieved through slow, consistent effort, and you're no exception. Every time you get a good workout by engaging in a physically straining activity, you gain a stacking bonus to any rolls involving physical activity, to a maximum of +10. The bonus gained increases with the difficulty of the activity. Don't skip out on too many workouts, as going for more than two phases without working out in this way will reduce this bonus by 5, to a minimum of +1. Ability: Flex Your muscles are a wonder to behold. By flexing, you can attempt to distract another player with how ABSURDLY RIPPED you are. The chance that you'll successfully distract your target scales with how fit you currently are. Additionally, flexing counts as a physically straining activity, though it won't grant you a large bonus.
Alive? Yes Objective complete? Yes. Fishbunjin crushed Joss to pieces on phase 7
You put a smile on everyone's face with your art in the afterlife, and earned yourself a reputation as an amazing artist! Down here in France, there's not much to draw on - you still have your clarinet though! Diogenes loves the music... most of the time that is! NAME: @Max Bialystock CHARACTER: Squidward
Having lived a callous and miserable life, you fully expected to go to hell upon death. Yet your final wish was to better the lives of others, and so the powers that be took pity upon you. Now, you are given a second chance to show the world what joy you can bring... Player: Akkrillic Character: Squidward Objective: Improve Hell for other people using his talent in the arts (or lack thereof) Special Item: Clarinet Your instrument of choice! You are... occasionally... skilled with the clarinet. When you play it, you can choose to play it well or badly. Playing it well gives all other players in the same area as you a +5 to their roll, and playing badly gives a -5. However, there is a 25% chance that the opposite effect happens, instead! You can also choose to play your clarinet extra loud. If you do this, then players in neighbouring areas gain the same effect, reduced to +/-3. Ability: Create Art You are... sometimes... a talented artist! You can create art that leaves a permanent effect on the area it is in. Anyone in the same area as the art receives the same effect as if you were playing your clarinet there, however reduced to +/-3. The chance of the art being good or bad is determined upon creation.
Alive? Yes Objective complete? Yes. He painted the most glorious picture of all time in streets.
ENDING (edited)
For the longest time, you thought the title Prince of Hope meant you were fated to destroy hope. Turns out your destiny was to bring hope to the destroyers... But now, you think you've had enough of this fate stuff! You just want to chill in the afterlife with your moirail, for the rest of eternity. NAME: @Kuro Ampora CHARACTER: Eridan Ampora
A noble blood? Like you? Stuck here, without your ship, your moirail, or your science wand? This is just completely unacceptable! Better take your anger out by crushing some lowbloods' hopes and dreams. Perhaps preventing others from realising their objectives will show you are the true Prince of Hope. Player: Nuperopp591 Character: Eridan Ampora Objective: Destroy hope Ability: Stolen Treasure Even though you're not on Alternia anymore, the currency seems to still be valuable here, if for different purposes. All that gold you plundered won't got to waste! As an action, you can give as many other players as you wish a gold coin. Good for bribery and corruption, which a highblood like yourself is accustomed to. Each gold coin in a player's possession gives them a permanent +1 bonus to rolls! Each player can have up to 3 coins, and you cannot give yourself coins.
Alive? Yes Objective complete? Yes. Eridan convinced Brine to abandon his objective on phase 11.
You did it, finally. You killed God, and became the king of heaven and hell. Well, co-king, I suppose. You've got a lot of work ahead of you, but on the bright side, now that you've got near limitless power, there'll at least be no shortage of Lasagna to fuel you. (edited)
Ugh, what a headache... Huh? Where are you now? It's all red and warm... Are you inside lasagna? Oh, nevermind, it's just Hell. Oh well, you were expecting this to happen anyways. It's not that big an issue... Except you know why you're here. A french person killed you. This is unacceptable. Truly the worse way to die. You will get the revenge that you deserve. You will become a powerful ruler once more, and France will be annihilated. Player: 404 Character: Garfield Objective: Become the leader of Heaven, Hell, the World, or something equally important, and destroy France. Ability: Comedic Retconning You and your comics are hilarious. In fact, they're the funniest in the entire world. It has been scientifically proven [citation needed] that any situation featuring makes it 100% funnier. In fact, you are so funny that, only once in the game, you may post any image featuring Garfield as your action. This image will be posted at the very end of the phase update, and will be so funny that it will alter reality so that it fits the reality shown in the comic, and may retcon anything that has happened previously. There is no limit to what you may post, as long as it includes Garfield. However, it is up to the GMs to interpret the image. You may also have an image stored for you in case you die and haven't used this ability yet. This image will be sent at the end of the phase update just like the regular ability. To store this image, simply send it to any GM during any phase, as long as the channels have not been locked and the phase resolutions haven't started. Ability: Comic Change You can change the area image to a picture of yourself for a phase, once in the game. This has no effect on anything. Weakness: Monday Hater You hate mondays. SO MUCH. EVEN MORE THAN THE FRENCH! Your roll will receive a -3 if your action gets resolved on mondays.
Alive? Yes Objective complete? Yes - Altered Beast shared his power with Garfield, and Garfield destroyed France.
Well, that sucked. You got beat up, dabbed on, soaked in holy water, and... Somehow managed to complete your objective? Well, at least the afterlife is eternal. You have more than enough time to exact your revenge. Or "avenge yourself," as that annoying punk Kyoko woud say. NAME: @High Priestess Adiris CHARACTER: The Plague
...You have died, somehow. Were you thown into the Void? Did you fail the Entity? This place seems to be Hell. Is this another Realm that was created by the Entity? You are unsure. It appears that the powers that be wish to recruit you for some sort of conflict. They have taken a notice of your powerful abilities. And the chaos your infections provokes. Whether or not you will listen to them, one thing is sure: you will spread the Vile Purge. They shall all be infected. The Plague shall be unleashed. Player: suds Character: The Plague Objective: Kill 2 people with the sickness of the Vile Purge Ability: Vile Purge You are the Plague, and you possess the power to spread your putrid infection. You can infect items that you hold, or are not being held by any player in your area. Infected items make anyone who picks them up or otherwise is touched by them sick. This has a cooldown of one phase. You can infect an area. Any character who enters an infected area have a chance of becoming sick. This is a single-use ability. Infection dissipates after 3 phases. Sickness causes a character to take 0.5 damage per phase. If a character dies whilst sick, they are said to have died of sickness, and their corpse is permanently infected. Sickness can be cured by interacting with a pool of devotion. You are immune to sickness.
Alive? Yes Objective complete? Yes. Joss Whedon and Pasqualo died whilst under the effect of the Plague.
That was quite the revolution. Due to your genius tactics, it succeeded without a hitch! Plus, you've made some powerful allies in the process! It certainly helps to be on good terms with the two new gods of this realm. Now, where to conquer next... NAME: @Lelouch vi Britannia CHARACTER: Zero
Oh my, a tactician! You'll be a very valueable addition to our troops. Player: KnightSpecter Character: Zero Objective: Lead a rebellion to overthrow God in Heaven Skill: Absolute Obedience The sigil in your left eye allows you to plant commands within a person's mind. For your action, you can subtly command another player to do an action of your choosing in addition to their original action. Alternatively, you can command them to follow you, overriding their movement action. Do to the restrictions of your Geass, you cannot use this ability twice on the same person, and they may be able to resist your command if you implore them to do an action that hurts themself.
Alive? Yes Objective complete? Yes, Zero convinced God to abdicate his throne.
True 10
You feel quite fufilled! You've helped numerous people, and never even considered hurting a woman! Though you did lose your pals Fishbunjin and Pasqualo, it looks like they're doing just fine in the after-afterlife! Of course, that doesn't mean it wasn't justified to sing your iconic Baka Mitai to mourn them. NAME: @dame da ne spy CHARACTER: Kazuma Kiryu
The Legendary Dragon of Dojima strikes again, but this time you're not in Kamurocho, you're in the afterlife. Even when you are here to lay rest, you just always need to be out there helping someone. Player: TehFriedWaffles Character: Kazuma Kiryu Objective: Do not hurt any woman, and help someone else achieve their objective. Ability: Komaki Tiger Drop One of the strongest technique the students of the Komaki school can learn, and even in the afterlife, you have still mastered this technique. This move will only succeed whenever the person you are trying to counter is attacking you aswell. You can only use the move on one person per phase. Upon this move connecting, whatever damage was supposed to be delt to you, your opponent takes half of they were trying to deal to you, and you take none. The opponent that is hit will be knocked back and thrown into a random area connected to the current one you are in. This move will fail if your roll is lower than your attacker. Once this move has been used, it has a cooldown of 1 phase. You cannot Tiger Drop ranged weapons. Special Item: Staminan Royale It's basically a health potion! Drinking this clutch in a bottle charge your health dramatically for 2 hearts, single use only.
Alive? Yes Objective complete? Yes - gave V1 the railcannon to kill the sun with
🎤 9
Heh... Death escaped once more! It seems that your family's fortune has not carried over to the afterlife, but no matter! You can rebuild your legacy with just your charming personality alone... Hopefully everyone will have forgotten about your brother's wicked deeds soon enough! Give you space to commit your own...
NAME: @BravoLocke CHARACTER: Wayne/Erika Togami
It appears that, despite your best efforts to stay amongst the living, you have perished. Although this is slightly unfortunate, the most wretched thing about this situation is that you have ended up in Heaven, somehow. It disgusts you. It is full of pretentious, ignorant fools. It shall be fixed. Your knowledge of the things that lie beyond their comprehension of reality shall help you to bring chaos and despair. Their sanity shall not be spared. Player: Locke Character: Ancestor Wayne Togami Objective: Summon an eldritch monster to wreak havoc on heaven Ability: Eldritch Knowledge You know of things that would make most mortals lose their minds. Arcane arts, twisted science, ancient secrets. Somewhere in this world lies an altar. This altar can be used to "sacrifice" items that may eventually summon an eldritch horror from beyond the cracks in our reality. You may sacrifice up to 4 items to it. The eldritch abomination's abilities and skills will change depending on the items you use to summon it. To help you in your summoning, you may use an inkling of your knowledge to examine any items you wish closely to see how appropriate it would be for a summoning, letting you know what kind of benefits said item would bring to the horror. Skill: Bringer of Chaos For one reason or another, it appears that powers from beyond your understanding have chosen you as a bringer of chaos to this realm. You will receive a +5 bonus on your current roll if your action from last phase caused chaos.
It is done. It has been summoned. Those fools trusted you. They helped you all the way. Now your skin has cracked open and your flesh, twisting and writhing in eternal glory, stretches itself out in impossible, incomprehensible ways, mouths forming and disappearing, billions of eyes staring out at the mortals, your entire body contorting itself in grotesque ways to imitate a tree in its most unholy form. You shall bring chaos. Player: Locke Character: Horror Wayne Togami Objective: Summon an eldritch monster to wreak havoc on heaven Ability: Tree of Darkness The seeds of the corrupted apple have grown in unspeakable ways, and their roots have burrowed themselves in your flesh. You are now one with the Tree. You cannot move properly due to your size. You have taken roots in the CLOUDTOPS. However, you may force yourself to grow in a certain direction to spread your entire being there. Instead of moving, your move action will indicate in which direction you wish to spread. Your roots will start to spread in that direction, indicating to everyone where you are currently spreading. One phase after that, your corruption will have spread to the area in question. Once you have spread yourself in an area, you will be able to see and communicate in that area as well as interact there. However, be aware that you still only have one action per phase, and not per area. Skill: Protective Bark The wood of the barrel seems to have expanded around your body, forming a large chamber to protect your most vulnerable point. You have 5 hearts. Your main body is also located at the center of the Tree of Darkness, an area of its own, which anyone can reach with a moveinstant from the CLOUDTOPS. However, it is much more difficult to exit your central body, and leaving it will require anyone to use a proper move action.
Ability: Scorching Tides It appears that the coffee has turned into a horrid and scorching hot black goo that runs through your branches and your veins. You may use this ability to unleash a wave of this burning goo onto every single area that has been corrupted by your influence (meaning every area that you may interact with/that you have spread to). This will damage every single player in that area by 0.5 heart. After using this ability, you will have to wait a phase before you may use it again. Ability: Corrupted Mist The cloud that was sacrificed seems to have been twisted by the altar's energy. Your breath poisons the mind and twists the thoughts. You may use this ability to envelop any person of your choosing in your mist, as long as they are in an area where you have spread. This will lower their roll for the phase by 5. Skill: Bringer of Chaos For one reason or another, it appears that powers from beyond your understanding have chosen you as a bringer of chaos to this realm. You will receive a +5 bonus on your current roll if your action from last phase caused chaos.
...What happened? Is this your... new body? Who's body is this? ...You recognize it. It is... Your sister's? Erika? There is something else. It does not appear that the transfer of consciousness was... clean. Her body has been twisted, corrupted nigh beyond recognition, tentacles coming out of her brain, mouths replacing one eye, another split in dozens of smaller parts, all of it shivering and groaning and twitching in pain. You are not Wayne. You are not Erika. You are a monster. Player: Locke Character: Abomination Wayne Togami Objective: Summon an eldritch monster to wreak havoc on heaven Weakness: Putrid Flesh This body has been heavily twisted by your roots. You only have 1.5 health max. Weakness: Pain and Madness You are in great amounts of pain. Every touch of your body makes you cry out and every action makes you suffer. To reflect this, you must include an indication that you are in pain in every other message, at the risk of getting your roll lowered by 5 on that phase's action. This may include groaning, wet noises, screaming, growling, or simply stating that you are in pain.
...What... happened? The pain is... gone? Your brother seems to be gone as well, mostly. You can hear his cries and sinister whispers in the back of your mind, but he does not appear to have any control over you. You are yourself. You are conscious. You have been given a new chance. You are Erika Togami. Player: Locke Character: Ancestor Erika Togami Objective: Summon an eldritch horror to wreak havoc on heaven You do not have any abilities or skills.
Alive? Against all odds, for some god-forsaken reason, yes Objective complete? Yes - summoned the tree on phase 4. (edited)
What a wild ride! You returned to the world of the living the same way you got to the afterlife - confusingly and irrelevant. Death still lets you take frequent trips back down to meet your friend Brine, although he doesn't feed you food off the floor anymore. NAME: @Nyarlathotep CHARACTER Superb (edited)
What a disgusting meal! French people taste awful. Perhaps eating some living flesh will taste better... Good thing you escaped the afterlife! NAME: @Spy CHARACTER: Billy (edited)
🇻 3
🇴 3
🇷 3
🇪 3
Born a hollow simulacrum, a clone of an aware soul, your life was confusing and short. It was fun though! NAME: @Real CHARACTER: Altered Fishbunjin
Good riddance. NAME: @Death CHARACTER: Joss Whedon
Death 22-Aug-21 09:59 PM
I'm doing pretty good, I guess. There's a lot more people in my break room, but I guess it's less lonely when I take breaks from work. NAME: Me CHARACTER: Death (edited)
Nikola Orsinov 22-Aug-21 10:02 PM
Though titleless and powerless, through the kindness of a few souls, you shall live forever in content. NAME: @Kurukuru CHARACTER: God
And as for me? I had a good run. Thanks to a certain Hottest One, I was able to experience the ending to every soul's tale before I moved on. THANK YOU TO EVERY LOST SOUL FOR PARTICIPATING THANK YOU TO BRINE, MAACK AND MEEP FOR BEING GREAT NPCS AND THANK YOU ORI FOR BEING AN AMAZING CO-HOST
Kurukuru 22-Aug-21 10:05 PM
Nikola Orsinov 06-Mar-22 07:30 PM
Theatre of the Absurd A long game hosted by @Nikola Orsinov and @Kurukuru! Send me or Lilith a character, along with an objective, that fits one of the two following criteria:
A character known for "wearing a mask" - pretending to be someone else, or otherwise changing their personality to manipulate others. A character that is somehow related to the theatre.
If you aren't sure if your character fits these criteria but think they will be a good pick for the game, discuss this with me or Ori! Signups close on 08-Mar-22 07:00 PM This game will use custom health mechanics, which will be explained in the server. There is no player cap.
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 06-Mar-22 07:43 PM
At the minute, we're also looking for one more NPC.
🌲 1
This NPC has been found!
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 06-Mar-22 09:53 PM
Vault is open!
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 07-Mar-22 05:04 PM
In the announcement, I mentioned custom health mechanics. Here's how they'll work.
🌲 1
In this game, health and death will not work as they usually do mechanically! Instead of numerical, abstract health, players will become physically damaged as combat happens. This damage is represented through wounds, which are visible on your character, represented by the bot as items. Wounds are unique to each combat situation, and may confer specific effects on a character - for example, losing an arm may make it harder to use things that require two hands. Because of this, players are encouraged to think more deeply about attacks and defences they make, and describe them in more detail. Due to the lack of hard numbers, it may be harder to tell when death will occur. Because of this, there is a rule put in place to prevent ganging up on players and instantly killing them. If a player started a phase with no major wounds, then they cannot die on that phase. It should be obvious which wounds are major or minor, but if it is unclear, it will be detailed in the item description.
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 08-Mar-22 01:02 PM
A reminder to everyone who hasn't submitted in full yet - there are six hours left!
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 08-Mar-22 10:32 PM
Wow! What a turnout! Thanks to so many delightful actors for turning up.
🌲 1
I'm afraid that's all we have space for at the minute - in fact, there's so many that we might have to reconsider our plans a bit!
🌲 1
Kurukuru 08-Mar-22 10:32 PM
Sheesh! Hehe, I'm excited.
🌲 1
Y'know, why don't we just... Skip ahead to the action?
👀 5
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 08-Mar-22 10:34 PM
Indeed! I think we're ready to open auditions when everyone else is.
🌲 1
Kurukuru 08-Mar-22 10:35 PM
Woohoo! Then, shall we?
🌲 1
React to this message with blurryeyes if you would prefer for pregame to begin tomorrow. React with swet if you would prefer it in two days. Finally, react with 🐟 if you have something else in mind.
blurryeyes 16
swet 8
🐟 1
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 08-Mar-22 10:43 PM
( @everyone for this )
🌲 1
Pregame will be one in-character phase, followed by roughly a week of design before the game proper.
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 09-Mar-22 07:35 AM
The votes are clear! Auditions will begin today, in just under 12 hours.
🌲 1
Kurukuru 09-Mar-22 07:22 PM
Hello ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between - and welcome to the show of your lives! Here, you will audition for your desired roles in the production! Make sure to put a lot of thought into what you pick - I've heard the real crowd-pleasers have even earned some favors from the audience!
🌲 1
Though - I shouldn't be the only one talking here! How about I let my partner take it away?
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 09-Mar-22 07:24 PM
Oh, but wait!
🌲 1
How can we open auditions before telling them what they need to know?
🌲 1
Here's what you'll be auditioning for!
🌲 1
For the auditions, you have been split into four groups! Fret not - these groups will have no impact on the rest of the game, and are simply your rivals for this phase. What are you auditioning for? Roles in the creation of the play, of course! Each group will have ONE of the following roles: Prop designer: As an action, can create brand-new items, or edit pre-existing items. Items created or edited this way become a "prop" - meaning they behave differently depending on whether they are on the stage or not. Set designer: Can make changes to the area. On-stage, they can overhaul the whole theme of the area, causing it to take place in a different location, time, etc. Off-stage, they can change one attribute of the area. Cinematographer: Can use their action to film the action that another person takes. They may later spend their action to perfectly replicate the action they have filmed. They can have up to 3 films stored at one time. Director: Gains unique effects for a group of people by performing an action co-ordinated with them. -Co-ordinating your action with a group of 2 or more actors ensures that they are well-regarded by the audience. If on stage, those actors will be guaranteed to receive a favour, and you will receive a weaker copy of one of the favours. If not on stage, any favours they have will be upgraded, and you will receive a copy of one of the un-upgraded favours. -Co-ordinating your action with both a prop designer and a set designer will create an outfit, a powerful piece of equipment. -Co-ordinating your action with a cinematographer will, for the duration of rollover, turn the current area into a stage, and broadcast it to all players. This ability can be only be used once per director. -Co-ordinating your action with a cinematographer, a prop designer, a set designer and 2 or more actors will [REDACTED].
🌲 1
Anyone who does not gain one of these roles will become an: Actor: At the end of the auditions, if you are an actor, you may submit one word to the GMs. This world will become your Archetype, and will be used to design your character. By giving a strong performance on-stage as this archetype, they may gain "favours" from the audience - powerful single-use abilities.
🌲 1
Kurukuru 09-Mar-22 07:28 PM
Then, why don't we start this off in style?
🌲 1
Pregame starts... NOW!
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 09-Mar-22 07:51 PM
Before the end of the phase, send a !do action to claim the role you want. If multiple players in a group claim the same role, the NPC organiser assigned to your group will present you with a competition! You will have a short bonus phase to submit an action for the competition. Whoever wins the competition gets the role.
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 10-Mar-22 09:51 PM
Auditions are done! Time for us to knuckle down on design.
👊 12
🌲 1
🛬 1
Nikola Orsinov 15-Mar-22 05:31 PM
If all things go well, then this game should start on Thursday! In addition, the two of us will likely be hosting a test game tomorrow.
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 16-Mar-22 03:12 PM
Profiles are out!
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 16-Mar-22 04:08 PM
If you'd like to, make sure to set a description for your character using !description in the bot!
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 17-Mar-22 04:28 PM
The game will start at, and standard rollover time will be, 17-Mar-22 07:00 PM
🌲 1
Kurukuru 17-Mar-22 07:05 PM
@everyone The game has begun.
🌲 3
Nikola Orsinov 18-Mar-22 07:17 PM
Heads up - this rollover might take a while, I'm doing it solo.
👍 10
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 21-Mar-22 08:25 AM
I felt it right to announce this, as quite a few people were roped into revolving around her, but winter has dropped from the game.
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 21-Mar-22 05:15 PM
@everyone Discussion in the hub server has been quite a distraction for a lot of people this phase, but equally, it has been a quiet phase. As such, I'd like to ask if you would be interested in a phase extension. React with ✅ if you would like a 24 hour extension, react with ❎ if you would like no extension, and react with anything else if you'd like something in between (suggest in #auditorium )
❎ 12
✅ 7
livereaction 2
🌲 1
If you would prefer a two hour extension, please vote for this.
⬆️ 10
True 1
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 21-Mar-22 05:53 PM
Based on this ratio, I believe the best thing to do is a two hour extension.
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 23-Mar-22 10:34 PM
Hey, this phase is going to be 48 hours long. I need a short break from doing rollovers.
👍 16
takethefry 2
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 26-Mar-22 03:02 PM
A reminder to include roll bonuses / relevant item or ability effects in your actions.
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 26-Mar-22 09:40 PM
to save clutter on the stage, you can instantly move between audience and directors-box
😭 2
👍 3
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 26-Mar-22 10:12 PM
oh yeah, one more reminder - British Summertime comes into effect tomorrow. I really hadn't intended it to line up with this haha nervous this means that rollover will be an hour earlier going forward
🇬🇧 6
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 28-Mar-22 04:50 PM
@Actor we expect the game to run until Phase 13. This may end up coming up or down a phase due to how things turn out, but this is what we think works best. We'll let you know if it changes.
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 30-Mar-22 09:57 PM
Hey! It's the last phase. Make sure to submit both an action and an ending movespecial.
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 31-Mar-22 09:27 PM
Endings are probably going to be in TWO DAYS. I need a break before I can plan them, and someone else has something planned tomorrow...
👍 12
🌲 1
Kurukuru 31-Mar-22 09:32 PM
And - now that this is all over, can we all just give an additional thank you to @Nikola Orsinov for hosting this game? They put in such an incredible amount of time, effort, and passion into this, and deserve all the credit they can get for making this game what it was.
👏 14
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 31-Mar-22 09:33 PM
aaaaaaaaaaaa SAY THANKS TO @Kurukuru TOO
👏 15
🌲 1
Nikola Orsinov 02-Apr-22 07:32 PM
As the crowd pours out of the theatre, everyone celebrates having witnessed the show of a lifetime. Some new friends, some new enemies, but now, everyone goes their seperate ways.
🌲 1
In the courtyard of the Garlean Imperial Palace, a crowd of elite, highly-trained soldiers salute. Solus Zos Galvus walks through the lines of soldiers, accompanied by his new personal guard - a man in a white suit, and a girl still carrying a baseball bat. Later, alone in the throne room, he laughs wickedly and a glyph appears over his face, as Emet-Selch is joined by the latest additions to the Convocation of Fourteen - Robbie Rotten and the Tree, taking time out of their regular lives to get up to some chaos!
🌲 1
Character: Solus Zos Galvus/Emet-Selch Player: TheFloorIsEvil Objective: Gain a following Ability: Paragon of the Source As an unsundered Ascian, your soul does not die upon the death of your body. After dying, you may possess a corpse, or attempt to possess the body of a living player, with potentially mixed results. Ability: Ascian Awakening Once you have used your director ability with another player, you may offer to make that player into an Ascian. Lesser Ascians recruited this way gain the power to possess corpses, but may not possess the living. For each Ascian you recruit, Lord Zodiark gains in power. Every time you recruit someone, you gain one use of Elemental Darkness. Ability: Elemental Darkness A powerful attack that damages the victims aether, causing a special, non-visible wound. Ability: Charismatic Emperor Your commands are difficult to refuse, but empowering when carried out! As part of your action, you may issue a command to anyone within earshot. You can do this up to four times per phase, with each use giving you a -5 to the phase's roll. Barring a crit success, any roll with a -20 is considered a crit fail. Each command begins with a base 0% chance of succeeding. This chance is increased by 50% if its subject is an ascian, and another 50% if the subject is willing or compliant. If a command succeeds, its subject will follow through with it in addition to their original action.
🌲 1
Objective Complete? YES Solus gained new recruits for the Garlean army in Kyoko and Kiryu, and new Ascians in Robbie Rotten and the Tree!
🌲 2
🌲 1
🌲 2
Kurukuru 02-Apr-22 07:58 PM
April 14th, 1863. Abraham Lincoln sits comfortably watching Our American Cousin at Ford's Theatre, when unbeknownst to him, someone sneaks up behind him... But history is altered when the shot is deflected by Abe's protective top hat! Lincoln goes on to lead American to utopian greatness.
🌲 2
Character: Abraham Lincoln Player: 404 Objective: See a nice show at the theatre and have nothing bad happen :) Ability: The Constitution With the agreement of others, you can form a constitution - a set of rules that everyone who agreed to it must follow. Everyone who agrees to these rules gets view permissions to a Court area. if someone breaks the rules, a trial is set up within the court, where everyone who voted on the rules may decide a punishment for the rule breaker. the GMs are also able to view the court, and they have final say on the possible limits of a punishment. if a tie occurs, as President, your vote decides. Ability: Honest Abe At any time, you can accuse someone of being dishonest in their intentions. If you prove to be true, the accused will be brought to Justice. If you prove to be incorrect, repercussions will follow. Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "honest", you will gain favours from the audience!
🌲 1
Objective Complete? YES Lincoln enjoyed a "nice" performance from the audience in phase 9.
🌲 1
🌲 1
Whilst you didn't take part in much of the play, or get to know anyone that well... You did get someone to proclaim they love Bingus!! And that's a win in your book.
🌲 1
Character: Sparky_Pitch Player: Sparky_Pitch Objective: Set someone else up for a major dramatic moment Skill: Average Bingus Enjoyer You love Bingus so much!!! You gain +3 to your roll if you or someone else posts an image of Bingus this phase. This is upgraded to +5 if someone then proclaims that they like Bingus! Ability: Objective Gaming You've found this cool server for a game called "objective!" Once every 3 phases, you can contact anyone you know from the server as a free action, and ask them for advice or an answer to a question. They may answer out-of-character. Ability: Tenor GIFs As part of your set design, you can attach any image of your choice to the set! This image will be placed somewhere inside the area image. Doing so will grant the area a passive effect based on the image's contents Ability: Be gay, do crimes Leaker!!!!!!!! Role: Set Designer You can make changes to the area you are in!. On-stage, you can overhaul the whole theme of the area, causing it to take place in a different location, time, etc. Off-stage, you can change one attribute of the area.
🌲 1
Objective Complete? NO Sparky was never able to set anyone up for a major dramatic moment.
🌲 1
🌲 1
In a witch's tea room, a root of a tree has sprouted! It's all tangled up with the various body parts of Bernkastel. Although she's been ripped to shreds, her mouth still works to mock Lambdadelta, who's dressed in a lumberjack's outfit and is swinging an axe to try and free her. These two idiots are going to be at it for a while...
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Character: Bernkastel Player: AClowderOfCats Objective: Bring about some kind of miracle (and enjoy some dried plum black tea. while I'm at it) Ability: Witch of Miracles You have the power to cause success without fail, as long as the odds are not zero. As a free action, you may choose any number of players in your current area, including yourself, and change their roll range from 1-20 to 12-17. Ability: Sea of Fragments When you capture an action on film, you capture how it plays out across multiple fragments. You may choose to fill up to 3 of your film slots with up to three variations on one action, however what those variations are at the whims of the GMs. You will be told what the variations are as soon as you take the recording. Role: Cinematographer You can use a free action to film the action that another person takes, with a cooldown of one phase. You may later spend your action action to perfectly replicate one of the actions you have filmed. You can have up to 3 films stored at one time.
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Objective Complete? YES Bernkastel was directly responsible for multiple events that would have been nearly impossible otherwise.
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Nikola Orsinov 02-Apr-22 08:08 PM
Alive? NO
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Kurukuru 02-Apr-22 08:11 PM
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Nikola Orsinov 02-Apr-22 08:11 PM
Deep below the theatre lies a village, full of clouds - and further still below that lies France, the land of the dead. Here, Bravocat wanders, looking for someone special to him. It'll take him a while to find them, but this friendly fish guy seems to be pointing the way!
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Character: Bravocat Player: Locke Objective: Orchestrate a conflict between two characters (at least one party must not have been involved prior) Ability: Feline Reflexes You're lithe on your feet. When someone attacks you, you have a 50% chance, unrelated to your roll, of automatically dodging it, whether you knew it was coming or not! Ability: Shadowy Mastermind As a free action, you can whisper a message to someone. Your whisper must be to the target of your main action, if there is one. Ability: I didn't mean to hurt you- If someone agrees to do something with or for you, you may invert their action, causing it to have the opposite effect of what they intended. Role: Director You gain unique effects for a group of people by performing an action co-ordinated with them. -Co-ordinating your action with a group of 2 or more actors ensures that they are well-regarded by the audience. If on stage, those actors will be guaranteed to receive a favour, and you will receive a weaker copy of one of the favours. If not on stage, any favours they have will be upgraded, and you will receive a copy of one of the un-upgraded favours. -Co-ordinating your action with both a prop designer and a set designer will create an outfit, a powerful piece of equipment. -Co-ordinating your action with a cinematographer will, for the duration of rollover, turn the current area into a stage, and broadcast it to all players. This ability can be only be used once per director. -Co-ordinating your action with a cinematographer, a prop designer, a set designer and 2 or more actors will [REDACTED].
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Objective Complete? YES Bravocat was able to spark a conflict between many characters and Nyarlathotep, by revealing it's identity. Alive? NO @BravoLocke FANTASTIC PHANTASM ENDING
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Flying through the skies of the Bydo dimension, with a bydoified Omen at their side, whatever is human inside of the Bydo System Alpha grins. It knows the Bydo growths it seeded will soon mature, and then the Bydo Empire will have three new recruits!
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Character: Bydo System Alpha Player: Ohy-bjective Objective: Corrupt someone into being a bydo. Special Item: Bydo Force A big orb containing a.... foetus? Hangs in front of your ship. You can use this to fire one of three different types of laser, although you can't use each until you've acquired their respective Laser Crystal. Red: Fires out a large ring made of red light that spins around. Can target multiple enemies at once. Blue: Shoots out blue clasper projectiles that can ricochet to different areas. Yellow: Makes the bydo force launch two large, yellow, slow moving pods of light with a lot of concussive force. If someone is hit by these they are momentarily stunned and forced to stay in the area. Ability: Devil Cannon You can fire a whole bunch of small wave projectiles that don’t do a lot of damage but can def suppress the enemy. Otherwise you can take an action to charge your devil cannon to fire out a laser creature that chases down your targets. If someone is heavily wounded, getting hit by the creature will seed them with Bydo Biomass. This will start their 2 phase long transformation process into becoming Bydofied. If they take damage at any point after they’ve been seeded the process will be canceled. State: Morally Grey You are in limbo between acting on the heroic nature of your pilot, or the demonic nature of the Bydo infecting you. At the minute, you are neither a hero or a villain. Using your Bydo Force to defend someone will cement you as a true hero, whilst using your Devil Cannon to bydoify someone will cement you as a villain. Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "hero", you will gain favors from the audience!
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Objective Complete? YES Alpha seeded Elle, Funnyman and Valvatti. @hottest character in video games HERO OF THE EMPIRE ENDING (edited)
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Double Trouble laughs wickedly. The "deal" they made with Nyarlathotep is nothing - all the treasure of the Horde, in exchange for what amounts to just talking down the cosmic phone to someone every now and again! Although, even though they were only supposed to supply information for a year, they found that they kept talking to the deity - whether that be from friendship, or from some strange cosmic force...
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Character: Double Trouble Player: ATotallyLongOriginalUsername Objective: Get hired as a mercenary Ability: Shape-Shifter You are innately able to transform your body to look exactly like someone else! As a free action, you can transform into another character. Other players will not see you transform. Your name in the bot will change to match that other character, and you will be sent the profile picture of that character. Although your discord username will still be visible, players that comment will be gently informed not to metagame. You will also gain any visible body parts or wounds of that character. The wounds have no actual effect, and will not be retained when you transform back - however, any wounds you actually sustain will persist between forms. If the visible body part has an associated ability that merely relies on its physical attributes, you will be told of and may use that ability. If you spend an action studying another character, you will be able to use one of their abilities when disguised as them. If you know in advance what ability you are studying, and include it in your action, you will gain that ability specifically - else you will gain a random ability. Skill: Star of the Show As the (self-proclaimed) lead actor, you get better as the performance of the rest of the cast revolves around you! You gain a +3 roll boost for every action that is targeting you or in some way related to you. Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "lead", you will gain favours from the audience!
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Objective Complete? YES Double Trouble was hired by Nyarlathotep @Fish Trouble INNOCENT MOTH GIRL ENDING
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Poor Funnyman. He came here to foil a crime, but ended up being the victim of so many! After being dragged back to Robbie's lair, maybe he can team up with Sportacus and escape - that is, if he can get rid of this strange infection...
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Character: Funnyman Player: Syne Objective: Accidentally foil a crime or something considered morally incorrect Ability: Contagious Laughter Have you heard that laughter is contagious? Well, in this case it literally is! Once every 5 phases, you can force someone to burst out laughing, mitigating or twisting the effects of their action. This ability's cooldown is reduced by one phase for every unique person you are able to get to laugh. Ability: The Essence of Comedy Gain a permanent +2 roll modifier for everyone who laughs at a play you direct. This laughter can be from the GMs, someone in vault, or someone in character the phase after. This caps at +10. Flaw: Comedian's honor As a true comedian, you must respect your audience, and thus are forbidden from revealing that your abilities rely upon laughter, nor from directly asking people to laugh. Role: Director You gain unique effects for a group of people by performing an action co-ordinated with them. -Co-ordinating your action with a group of 2 or more actors ensures that they are well-regarded by the audience. If on stage, those actors will be guaranteed to receive a favour, and you will receive a weaker copy of one of the favours. If not on stage, any favours they have will be upgraded, and you will receive a copy of one of the un-upgraded favours. -Co-ordinating your action with both a prop designer and a set designer will create an outfit, a powerful piece of equipment. -Co-ordinating your action with a cinematographer will, for the duration of rollover, turn the current area into a stage, and broadcast it to all players. This ability can be only be used once per director. -Co-ordinating your action with a cinematographer, a prop designer, a set designer and 2 or more actors will [REDACTED].
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Objective Complete? No @Funnyman A REAL GOOD GUY ENDING
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In a coffee shop down some backstreet, Godot slams back coffee after coffee, sobbing bitter tears. He won the case, but at what cost? That other copy of him could have been a great ally in the law world, and potentially even a great friend... Now all he has to remember him by is a ridiculously expensive bill for the Spy's coat!
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Character: Godot Player: Maack Objective: Drink 17 cups of coffee and prosecute someone. Ability: Caffeine Addict You drink so much coffee that sometimes it makes you... Unstable. As soon as you pick up coffee, you will drink all of it at once, giving you a +1 roll bonus and a +1 crit range increase (both ways) for every 2 cups you have in your coffee meter. Every phase, the amount of coffee you have in your meter decays by one cup. Ability: Coffeenese You know 107 different blends of coffee! Every time you pick up a new lot of coffee, you will gain a different bean, allowing you to modify the effect that your coffee is currently providing. Ability: Blind Justice Once in the game, you may call a trial on another player, if you are convinced of their guilt of some crime. Another player may come forward as the defense attorney. If they do not, a GM will step forward. The other GM, or both GMs if a player is defending, will become judge. You will then be charged with presenting enough evidence to prosecute the criminal, whilst defeating the logic of the defense attorney. If you win, the judges will decide a fitting punishment for the criminal. Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "coffee", you will gain favors from the audience!
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Objective Complete? YES Godot prosecuted Cathode on phase 10 @Spy BLIND JUSTICE ENDING
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After the escape, Nikola sold all the valuables of the theatre, and distributed the money between Kuro and Spark. But all that money alone could not set rest to Kuro's weary heart. First sending wealthy sums to Double Trouble and Nagisa, he then sets out to break the news of Bravocat's passing to any of his friends or family. Yet little does he know that Bravocat's loved ones have all ended in the same place he did, Bravocat and his beloved watching over Kuro from the afterlife.
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Character: Captain Kuro Player: Nuperopp591 Objective: Attain wealth and peace. Ability: Under Control If you can successfully predict what a character is about to do, and incorporate a counter or retaliation to that into your action, then you and any allies are guaranteed to succeed in your actions against that character. Ability: Prior Proper Preparation Props you make can be immediately used on the same turn you make them, and can have a secondary effect or utility. Special Item: Cat Claws These can be used to perform a regular attack against another character, or can perform their ultimate technique, Shakushi, which damages everyone in the area apart from yourself. Using this technique will cause the claws to break. Role: Prop Designer As an action, you can create brand-new items, or edit pre-existing items. Items created or edited this way become a "prop" - meaning they behave differently depending on whether they are on the stage or not.
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Objective Complete? YES Kuro was paid by Nikola, after achieving peace by leaving. @Kuro Ampora KURO OF A HUNDRED POUNDS ENDING
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Character: Dream Player: Saikonaifu Objective: Find and loot a village, go to hell, and slay the Ender Dragon. Additionally, don't die. Ability: "Speedrunning" You may choose to make any of your actions a guaranteed nat20. However, if you do so too many times, you will be caught cheating. And there will be consequences. Ability: Moiney Crafta You can "dig up" the floors and walls of an area, and replace them in another area! Doing so may uncover hidden paths to new areas. Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "cheat", you will gain favours from the audience!
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Objective Complete? NO Alive? NO CAUGHT CHEATING ENDING (edited)
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Little did anyone know, Max's ridiculous play had a lot of money riding on it! After the audience left the theatre, they all gave it awful reviews, making his scam a success! With the money he could swindle from investors, he booked a plane to retire in Rio De Janeiro - taking a small mask with him. It said it wanted to go sightseeing.
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Character: Max Bialystock Player: Akkrillic Objective: Put on a spectacularly awful play. At the end of the game, anyone not involved in the play, including spectators, will be asked to fill out a survey asking if the play was great or if it sucked. At least 70% of responses must say that it sucked. Ability: Profiting from Misfortune If anyone around you rolls 1-3, it is immediately rolled down to a crit fail! The result of this crit fail will always benefit your action somehow. Ability: (in)Competent Director You can give everyone following your lead a +5 to their roll as a free action. However, there is an X/10 chance of the granted roll modifier to instead be a -5, where X is the number of people who would recieve the modifier. Role: Director You gain unique effects for a group of people by performing an action co-ordinated with them. -Co-ordinating your action with a group of 2 or more actors ensures that they are well-regarded by the audience. If on stage, those actors will be guaranteed to receive a favour, and you will receive a weaker copy of one of the favours. If not on stage, any favours they have will be upgraded, and you will receive a copy of one of the un-upgraded favours. -Co-ordinating your action with both a prop designer and a set designer will create an outfit, a powerful piece of equipment. -Co-ordinating your action with a cinematographer will, for the duration of rollover, turn the current area into a stage, and broadcast it to all players. This ability can be only be used once per director. -Co-ordinating your action with a cinematographer, a prop designer, a set designer and 2 or more actors will [REDACTED].
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Objective Complete? UNDECIDED @Max Bialystock WORST. PLAY. EVER ENDING
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Their form as Stirner scattered to the winds, Nyarlathotep returned to the Crawling Chaos to lick their wounds. They were upstaged by that hero - but it was worth it, to put on such a grand show! Once their form regenerates, they should probably return that train to their cousin, otherwise the timeline might get a bit upset. But hey - they can just get their frog to do it!
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Character: Nyarlathotep Player: Brinelex Brine Objective: If half or more of all players are aware that Nyarlathotep was in the game at the end of this game, this objective fails. I must play and act as an entirely different character of my choice during most of the game. I must also make "deals" in private with at least two different characters. These deals should contradict each other with the goal to spread chaos and doubt amongst the different players. Ability: Eldritch Annoyance Gain 1 point for every person who has expressed visible annoyance towards you. Whenever you reveal your true form, choose one of the following: -Gain a permanent roll modifier equal to 1/3rd of your current points -Heal a number of injuries up to 1/2 your total points. -Boost your current roll by 2x your current points. Upon choosing any of these options, lose all your points. Additionally, gain 5 points when you get somebody to concede that they were incorrect, and lose 5 points upon conceding that you were incorrect about anything. Ability: Deal with the Devil You may intercept someone, dragging them away to the c̴̎͋r̴̿̋ä̴́̾w̶̍͠l̴͆͌i̸͂̒n̷͛̀g̴͐́ ̴̂̾c̴̅̒h̸͐͋a̷͘̚o̵͛̀s̴͋͝ No-one will notice you do this, and the area can be moveinstanted out of. Whilst you are there, you may make a pact with that player. You must write up the conditions of a pact as one message, and if they agree, they are bound to it. You may offer any reasonable rewards as part of this pact, and they will materialise from your realm. Role: Max Stirner You recognise that the theatre is nothing more than a spook. Every person contains the capacity for a great production of their own! As such, you are a stage. Anything that you do, or is done to you, occurs as if it takes place on-stage.
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Objective Complete? NO Everyone became aware of Nyarlathotep's identity due to Bravocat @Nyarlathotep FROGMASTER ENDING
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The tree has grown large! Its roots has spread and its trunk has grown tall, and it feels more like a mighty redwood than the willow it is supposed to be. Has it found its narrative purpose? Yes. After all, it was most certainly and definitively a tree. And a very good tree, at that. (edited)
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Character: Tree Player: Jr Mortician Objective: find my narrative purpose in the game Ability: Here to Stay You weave your roots tightly into the area. Any changes you make as part of your set design cannot be overwritten by other players. Ability: Fast-Acting Roots Due to the magic of the theatre (or some other explanation you can think up), you may reach your roots into any adjacent area, letting you see and act there. You have two actions - one in the area your roots are in, and one on stage. Physical: Evergreen Endurance For such a frail looking tree, you're surprisingly sturdy! It is more difficult for other players to harm you, and you heal all minor injuries if you are not attacked or injured for two consecutive phases. Flaw: tree You're literally a tree. Could there be more to you than... just being a tree? Maybe. Does that mean you can make large movements? No, definitely not.
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Objective Complete? YES Tree. @A Willow Tree TREE ENDING
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In the darkness of the forest, No-Face looks up at the moon. That situation with the theatre gave them an deeper appreciation for eating larger objects. It's a shame that they're smaller again, now that Robbie fed them that cake, but... noface That just means they can start the whole process from ground zero, consuming and consuming and appreciating what makes other people. Maybe, one day, if they eat enough... they could even consume the moon.
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Character: No-Face Player: Ahmaykmewsic Objective: Find an obsession in someone else and fully indulge in that obsession. Once I find my obsession, every action I take must go towards feeding that obsession, and I cannot stop until it's mechanically impossible for me to feed it any more through my !do action. Ability: Decadent Indulgence Once you have picked a character to obsess over, you may swallow and spit out another character to feed that obsession. If the personality of the swallowed character matches the tastes of your obsession, you gain a permanent +3 roll boost. If they do not, you gain a permanent -3 roll penalty. After swallowing five characters, you will assume a monstrous form, losing your roll modifiers, and gaining alternative effects depending on your relationship with your obsession. You may also swallow large objects. These will be digested, and will give no immediate effect, but will have an impact on your monstrous form. Ability: Mimicry Even though you do not digest your prey here, you still absorb part of them! Upon swallowing a character, you gain one of their abilities. The action is overwritten by another ability when you swallow another character. Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "mimic", you will gain favors from the audience!
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Objective Complete? YES No-Face obsessed over becoming Villain Number One @No Face noface ENDING
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After everybody climbed the tree, Kuro saw Sado tip her hat to him, before opening up a glitch-ridden portal. She's sucked into it, and... it's like she was never here. ...sometimes, after returning to the outside world; those who attended this theatre can almost get a glimpse of her, outside of the corners of their vision.
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Character: Sado Player: Serrangelic Objective: Find the Hex and become real Ability: Not-Quite Omnipresence What are you even doing here? I don't remember inviting you. You just kinda popped up in this place! Speaking of which, you're very good at that. Each phase, you can moveinstant up to <referenceError: value is not defined> times to any location you have seen before. However, going past this limit might have consequences. Ability: T̷̈́̑ö̴́̀t̸̍̈́ǎ̸̊l̵̽̿l̶̪͛ỳ̶̩ ̸͂͐I̸͝͝n̴̋̕t̶̀̋e̸̓̈́n̵͋̈d̸̅͝ë̴́͑d̸͗̌ ̴̈́̇G̷̿͘a̶̚͝m̸̽͠ȇ̷̘ ̵̿͌M̶̛̈́e̵̩̒c̶̹̕h̴͐͝a̵̛̅n̴͙͑i̴̎̊c̴̰͆ṡ̶͠ // On submitting an action, there is a chance that your action also takes effect in a random area you've been in that phase. // If you don't submit a move action by the end of the phase, you will end up in a random location. // On phase resolution, there is a chance that the resolution states the opposite of what you actually did. // On phase resolution, there is a seperate chance that the action is glitched, preventing everyone from seeing the result of your action. // At the start of a phase, there is a chance that any injuries you have will not be visible, but will still take effect. // You are definitively a tumblr sexywoman. This serves no mechanical purpose, but is worth noting. Ability: File Corruption As a free action, you may corrupt an action you've recorded as a cinematographer. Doing so will keep the base action and its results intact, but will produce unpredictable and entirely absurd side-effects upon using it. Due to their bugged nature, you cannot replace a bugged action with another action - the only way to get it out of your film reel is to use it.
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Role: Cinematographer Once every 2 phases, as a free action you can record the action, and its results, of someone in the same area as you. You can store up to 3 recordings in your film reel, and must replace a recording if you wish to add another while at max capacity. As an action, you can use a recording you have, perfectly replicating its results regardless of your actual roll.
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Objective Complete? YES Sado found the Hex in the maze. @sado is hacking your computer THE SEX ENDING
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Robbie gives a rather ostentatious bow to everyone on the tree, before running off back to Lazy Town! Unfortunately, expenses dictate he can't keep Bobby, Tobby, and Flobby on full time - but he gives each of them handshakes, knowing that he can count on them next time their services are in need. He sets off with a dance in his step and a song in his voice, ready to take on that annoying Sportaflop with all the new plans he's made from attending the theater!
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Character: Robbie Rotten Player: Dirty Spaceman Objective: Catch a good guy, like a real superhero. Skill: Villain Number One You're a master of tricks and traps! Every time you make or set a trap, it will be counted as a crit success. Although, your devices have never worked as intended in the past, and they're bound to backfire on you somehow here. Special Item: Villain Number Two (and Three and Four) Bobby, Tobby and Flobby Rotten, your hired villain apprentices, are accompanying you! Sadly, they aren't very good at their jobs, so they've decided to just copy what you're doing! Every time you make an action, they will also perform that action. However, disregarding insane coincidences like crit successes, each of their rolls will critfail! That is, unless you teach them how to be real villains... Role: Prop Designer As an action, you can create a brand-new item out of nothing, or edit a pre-existing item. Items created or edited this way become a "prop" - meaning they behave differently depending on whether they are on the stage or not.
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Objective Complete? YES Robbie caught Funnyman in a net with his mech @Robbie and the Rottens VILLAIN NUMBER ONE ENDING
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Nagisa, having learned many things during her stay here - most notably of all, how to believe in herself - says a warm farewell to everyone, lingering on Kuro. Then, it's back off home! With her newfound talents and confidence - and her dango costume - she'll be able to put on many more amazing productions with her drama club!
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Character: Nagisa Furukawa Player: Loweffortmemes Objective: Gain the confidence to put on a play Ability: Avid learner Spending two phases on learning a skill or activity will allow you to gain an based on the skill or activity. Learning this from someone else reduces the time necessary to be one phase, and, with their permission allows you to permanently copy one of their abilities instead of gaining a new skill. Including your starting abilities, you may have up to 5 abilities/skills/flaws at once. You may replace any existing abilities. Flaw/Skill: Self Confidence Issues You're a bit nervous about going somewhere new, so you begin the game with a -5 modifier to all rolls. However, as you make new friends here, you'll overcome that! Get a permanent +2 bonus for every strong connection or motivation you make. Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "growth", you will gain favors from the audience! (edited)
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Objective Complete? YES Nagisa performed in Kuro's final play. @Nagisa Furukawa DANGO DAIKAZOKU ENDING
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Having acquired great stores of paint with which to bring about a catastrophe, Ninetails heads home to continue their spree of regicide. However, not before heading on vacation in Toussaint with their new friend Valvatti! Maybe one day they can invite the bard to holiday in Oni Island.
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Character: Ninetails Player: Spectakoo Objective: Gather enough paint supplies to control the weather and cause a thunderstorm, a raging inferno, and a blizzard in the game environment in any order Ability: Deconreconstruction Instead of using your set designer ability to add to areas, you may instead remove a facet of an area. Doing so will grant you a number of units of paint. You may spend this paint on your other abilities. Ability: Ink Over You may expend paint to paint over anything - other characters, areas, items, anything! Doing so will add onto or change part of them - in rare cases, overwriting instead. Additionally, you may spend multiple units of paint to produce an elemental effect in your current area, which will leave a long-lasting aura. It may be beneficial or hazardous, but will never harm you. Role: Set Designer You can make changes to the area you are in!. On-stage, you can overhaul the whole theme of the area, causing it to take place in a different location, time, etc. Off-stage, you can change one attribute of the area.
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Objective Complete? YES As part of various performances, Ninetails successfully created each weather effect. @Ninetails PAINT ME A PICTURE ENDING
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Instead of seeing a therapist, Omen did the opposite. Flying away with Alpha, he joined the Bydo Empire, and began killing more and more. At least his talent for knitting persists, and he can knit comfortable scarves for all the fucked up aliens he meets!
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Character: Omen Player: Meepster Objective: Have a meeting with a therapist, and knit three things, and give each to a friend Ability: Paranoia Once in the game, you may throw a blinding orb at your current area or any connecting area. This will deafen all players inside, forcing them to communicate through miming or images for one phase. Special Item: Spectre A SMG that is capable of inflicting damaging wounds, quickly... But it also reminds you of your days in combat, and so every time you use it, you gain a permanent -2 roll debuff. Having therapy could remove this! Ability: Knitcraft Whilst you make props, you can also channel your creative energy into knitting. If you are making a prop, you can also use a free action to knit a trinket, else it is a full action. Trinkets have no inherent effect, but if you gift them to a friend, they will provide buffs based on your relationship. Role: Prop Designer As an action, you can create brand-new items, or edit pre-existing items. Items created or edited this way become a "prop" - meaning they behave differently depending on whether they are on the stage or not.
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Objective Complete? NO @Real REPRESSED TRAUMA ENDING
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Phanto Mask, so glad to finally be away from the theatre and those lunatics trying to steal his key, breathes in the fresh air of the outside world. That Max fellow has offered to take him sightseeing - in Rio de Janeiro, of all places! Maybe he will fuck around and be the mask on Christ the Redeemer. That'll keep anyone away from his key!
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Character: Phanto Mask Player: Superb Objective: Chase somebody with a key and either hurt them or get them to drop the key. Special Item: Cursed Key You exist to guard this key! For the minute, it's yours, but everyone can see it, and !take it at any moment. It can be used to unlock anything, even things that shouldn't be opened... Ability: Invulnerability Whilst your key persists, you can't be downed for good! If your key is unbroken, then you will simply be stunned for a phase if you would receive a major wound. However, if your key is broken, that counts as a major wound, leaving you vulnerable to death. Ability: Lock and Key When you add details with your set designer ability, you may lock them! A large, ghostly padlock will appear over it, and no-one but you (or the player with your key) can interact with it. Role: Set Designer You can make changes to the area you are in!. On-stage, you can overhaul the whole theme of the area, causing it to take place in a different location, time, etc. Off-stage, you can change one attribute of the area.
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Objective Complete? YES Phanto Mask got his key back from Nyarlathotep @Phanto Mask THATS WHAT THE POINT OF THE ENDING IS (edited)
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Patches, somewhere in the rubble, wakes up to see the tree is much bigger than he last saw it. He looks for the bananas that he has treasured so much, before finally finding them. With a bullet hole through. After mourning the shot his banana took for him... he proceeds to eat the banana. And then climb up the tree. What adventures will he get up to next?
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Character: Patches Player: AbhorrentPropaganda Objective: Cause as much mischief as possible Ability: Opportunistic Schemer Upon entering an area you haven't been to before, you may take two actions as long as at least one of them involves either directly messing with someone, or setting up some sort of trap. Ability: Honest Salesman You're known for being a reputable salesman! If a player agrees, you may pull an item out of thin air and give it to them. You describe what the item is. However, the places you get your wares aren't exactly... Reputable. As such, each item you sell will be cursed! The nature of the curse will be decided by the GMs. Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "conniving", you will gain favors from the audience!
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Objective Complete? YES Patches did a little trolling. With a nuke. @Patches IS THAT A NUKE!? ENDING
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Taking his half of the paycheck from Nikola, Spark realises that both of his previous jobs have been pretty damn shitty! Waving goodybe to Zoe, Alpha and Phanto Mask, he thinks about what his next job should be. Space travel is too far from home, and bodyguard work is dangerous... Wait! Maybe he can become an electrician?
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Character: Spark the Electric Jester Player: Plasman Objective: Get Paid Special Item: Spark Board A really cool surf board! This thing lets you get around at super fast speeds. Using a movespecial instead of a move will present you with areas connected to the area you movespecial to, and let you move a second time in one turn to one of the connected areas. Ability: Jester Hat You can control electricity! Some rooms of the theatre have sockets in them - in others, you might have to convince someone to make the socket! If you are in an area with a socket, you can control it, having the electricity manipulate things or attack people. Moving twice in the turn before you use this will build up charge, making your electricity more powerful! Ability: Foil If you believe another player in your area is a foil to you, and vice versa - that is, if your personalities majorly contrast - then mentioning that in your action will give both of you a +5 roll bonus! Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "Foil", you will gain favors from the audience!
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Objective Complete? YES Spark was paid for helping Orion and fighting Nyarlathotep @Plas Park ELECTRICAL ENDING
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Heading out of the theatre with more stress than he came in with, Jay is as ready as he'll ever be to rejoin the wizarding world. I mean, the great wizarding war can't be that much worse than whatever transpired in here, right? At least if he does die out there, his death will definitely be packed with extreme narrative relevance... probably. He hopes.
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Character: Jay Finch Player: Zucchini Objective: Make at least 2 people they consider friends, and act in scene of a play with them. Ability: Used to Mediocrity You might not be the most talented, but through careful practice and a whole lot of effort, eventually you can measure up to... a passable amount of skill. All rolls of 4-9 AND 11-14 will instead be rounded to a 10. Every time this ability triggers, gain a passive +1 to all rolls. This passive bonus applies before the rounding. Ability: Wizarding "Skills" With your not-quite-mastery of magic and mystery, for your action, you can cast any spell from the Harry Potter Puffs universe. However, do note that casting more complex spells might have some unintended side effects... Skill: Hi! You've been saying things at the wrong time for your whole life, meaning that you've got quite good at it! If the tone of your action drastically differs from the general tone of everyone else's actions, you gain a +7 roll boost! Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "chaotic", you will gain favors from the audience!
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Objective Complete? YES Jay ended up friendly with a lot of different people, and acted in a few shows! @Jay Finch PLOT RELEVANT SIDE CHARACTER ENDING
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Well, that was a job well done. Mission complete, and he got to enjoy some high-quality coffee on the job too. Time to head back to base, cash in that paycheck, and maybe buy yourself a sweet new suit while you're at it. Either way, it's hard to consider this excursion anything but a success.
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Character: The Spy Player: TehFriedWaffles Objective: Backstab someone while disguised as someone else Ability: Disguise Kit You can disguise yourself as another player! This will change your name in the bot to that of another player, as well as giving you non-functioning copies of any visible items they have. Make sure to change your username and pfp, as well! You will be provided with the pfp of that player, taken from the bot. Attacking or getting hit will remove your disguise. Ability: Black Rose Whilst disguised as another player, you can backstab someone. If they are already heavily wounded, this will immediately kill them. Else, the damage you deal depends on how fooled they are by your disguise - either a minor wound or a heavy wound. Ability: Enthusiast's Timepiece You can go invisible, which will place you in a copy of the area you are moving to, with 100% view accuracy to the real area. You can moveinstant out to decloak at any time, but you can't recloak during a phase! As well, you're likely to bump into people as you move into the area, tipping them off that someone's there... Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "trick", you will gain favors from the audience!
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Objective Complete? YES The Spy stabbed Orion, Kuro and Sleuth @waffles I can't fucking ping him SNEAKY BACKSTABBER ENDING
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Beginning his time in the theatre as a puppet and ending as an instrument of a chaos god, the trainee chef certainly went through a lot. Though Spark was able to fell Nyarlathotep, his eventual return is inevitable. At least it gives Froggie some time to himself for once - maybe he can finally put those newfound cooking skills to use!
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Character: Trainee Chef Puppet Player: Should I Be Objective: If I become puppeted by someone else, follow their orders/movements. And if I don’t become someone else’s puppet, I should try learning how to cook. Special Item: Strings As a puppet, you exist to be controlled. Yet at the moment, your fate is in your hands... Your strings are a visible item that can be !taken at any time. You start holding your own strings. As a free action, whoever is holding your strings may submit a word. You will gain an ability related to that word, overwriting the previous one if there is one. Ability: Real Boy If you watch other people carefully through your camera lens, you might learn something from them! You can store up to 5 actions with your cinematographer role, and there is no cooldown on filming an action. Additionally, you have a chance of learning something from an action you record, making you more proficient at doing that thing. Role: Cinematographer You may use a free action to film the action that another person performs! You may later spend their action to perfectly replicate an action you have filmed. You can have up to 5 films stored at one time.
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Objective Complete? YES Trainee Chef followed the orders of Nyarlathotep as well as learning how to cook. @Dry Chef PUPPET ON A STRING ENDING
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After such a hectic day at the theatre, it's time to go back to camp! All these monsters are a lot less fucked up than the people you met today - and, for the most part, a lot cuter... But you'll never forget the friends you made! Hopefully some of them can drop by camp sometime.
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Character: Zoe Player: Liv Objective: Write a fanfic about two characters Ability: Headcanon If you are aware that an event happened, but you do not know the outcome of it, you may spend your action detailing how you think it happened. Reality will then shift to accommodate this. The more detailed you make your explanation, the more control over how the situation goes you have, but if any part of your explanation is impossible, it will outright fail! Skill: Eldritch Complexities You have a thorough expertise in things most mortals could never begin to understand. Particularly, why Naruto x Garfield is the best ship (oh, and the eldritch arts). When creating a prop, you can make it unfathomable, giving you (and anyone else familiar with the eldritch) a bonus to interacting with it, and preventing all others from even comprehending its use. Role: Prop Designer As an action, you can create brand-new items, or edit pre-existing items. Items created or edited this way become a "prop" - meaning they behave differently depending on whether they are on the stage or not.
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Objective Complete? UNCONFIRMED @Cuz I said so FUCKING MECH SUIT ENDING (edited)
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After achieving the True Magic, Zepia Eltnam Oberon finally achieved the goal of their thousand year long quest. Upon doing so, they retook their original form, and hid themself away once more... What do they seek now? Further magical studies, perhaps towards an even greater goal...
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Character: The Night of Wallachia Player: ZelRaat Objective: For tonight, bring down the curtain on the name of "Night of Wallachia" and obtain The Sixth. Ability: TATARI The first rumour has been spread, granting your existence here to begin with. Any more rumours will bolster your strength. If a major rumour strikes up, you will gain a spy connection to the player who is most heavily propagating the rumour. You may then at any point choose to manifest that rumour, gaining an ability related to it. However, you are required to complete the curse - if you fail to use the ability within three phases, you will cease to exist, only gaining the opportunity to reappear when another rumour occurs. Ability: Taboo If you hear about a minor rumour, you may use that to strengthen yourself. As a free action, you may detail a rumour you heard about that phase, gaining a small buff related to it. Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "trick", you will gain favors from the audience!
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Objective Complete? YES TATARI accessed the Sixth by becoming a True Ancestor @Arcueid Brunestud TRUE ANCESTOR ENDING
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It's strange. Entoma really didn't do much after auditions. In retrospect, it should have been obvious why. You might have seen them, although... not by name. After all, they became part of the audience. They became a shade.
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Character: Entoma Vasilissa Zeta Player: BeagleGaming Objective: Kill Dream Ability: The perfect killer maid Though your loyalty lies with the supreme ruler Ainz Ooal Gown, that doesn't mean you can't capitalize on your experience as a maid can't be applied elsewhere. Gain a +5 to your roll if it involves fulfilling a request or demand from someone. Gain an additional +3 if it involves combat, and another +2 if you can perform it in an elegant fashion. Ability/Flaw: A tasty snack! Gain a +1-5 bonus to your roll upon consuming human flesh, and begin the game with a bonus of +5. This bonus decays by 1 at the end of every phase, and can go into the negatives. If your bonus is in the negatives, it resets upon eating something new. Otherwise, the bonuses are additive. If you have a 0 or lower for your bonus, you can make an attack out of desperation, eating at least one of your victim's arms on a success, but drastically increasing your hunger on a fail. Special item: Green biscuits You have 3 Green biscuits. While eating them won't grant any roll bonus, it will prevent your current bonus from decaying for 3 phases, along with resetting it to 0 if it's in the negatives. Ability: Isolation For every phase you go without performing an action that interacts with someone, you gain a recluse charge. Upon performing an interaction that does interact with someone, you consume all charges and gain a +3 roll bonus per charge. Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "reclusive", you will gain favors from the audience!
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Objective Complete? ...I guess?? Entoma wins by doing nothing. THE WORLDS A STAGE ENDING
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And now, what happened to the theatre staff?
Under the rubble and dust of the theatre, two private eyes - Ace Dick, and Pickle Inspector - drag their coughing and spluttering partner out from the damage. It's Problem Sleuth. He looks battered and confused - and with more than a few stab wounds in his back... but ultimately, he looks fine. They drag their old friend with them back to their offices. What a day...
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Character: Problem Sleuth Player: Cathode Objective: Perform Sepulchritude. If this does not happen, don't let anyone take your candy corn. Stats: VIM: Medium. Cannot perform any feats of remarkable strength, but perhaps consuming HOT SAUCE will change this. IMAGINATION: Medium. Cannot access or edit the imaginary world, but perhaps consuming ALCOHOL will change this. PULCHRITUDE: High. You can attempt to convince someone to redirect an action aimed at you towards someone else, or vice versa! This will probably be harder to do depending on the person's opinion of you. Flaw: Cathode There is a guy in your head. This means he is imaginary. You would very much like it if there was not a guy in your head. Upon reaching the imaginary universe, you will probably be able to get him out of your head. Special Item: Candy Corn Two pieces of candy corn that you keep under your hat! Your hat isn't very safe, though. So if anyone were to find out about your candy corn, they could !take them at any moment! Ability: Sepulchritude No, not yet! You can't perform this until the climax of your story. And certainly not without the INK OF SQUID PRO QUO. Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "Cathode", you will gain favours from the audience!
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Objective Complete? YES Sleuth performed Sepulchritude to destroy the trial. @Pasqualo Trianglini SCORCHED SLEUTH ENDING
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Lost souls walk back and forth along Pandaemonium, as Death escorts Pasqualo to France. This whole theatre adventure was a weird time, he concludes. As Death opens the portal to France, and leads the cyborg in; he can see Fishbunjin waving at him from the other side. He jumps in, with gusto - ready to fight, once more.
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Character: Pasqualo Trianglini Player: Cathode BAILIFF! GET ME DEATH ENDING
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In all the trouble and damages caused over the phases of this game to the Theatre... the Multiverse Contract managed to stay intact. And, in fact - it appears that Nikola didn't inspect the trade-off for Cathode leaving the game all that well. It appears to be written in some kind of glowing red ink... and if someone were to pick this contract up, they'd know that what was written with this ink was telling the truth:
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(I forgor sleuths image whoops)
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Although she never left the dressing room, Elle was still able to provide some fantastic fashion advice! Maybe she can give some to the tree next, or make sure Bravocat and Bernkastel look good for their funerals!
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Character: Elle Woods Player: @Elle Woods THEATRICALLY BLONDE ENDING
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After vowing to never work a security job ever again, the Killer7 got back into their usual line of assassination work. Their next job is to assassinate some judge, which has Dan excited for some reason. Coyote and Dan don't argue as much as they used to now that Coyote has found something new to take his anger out on, crossword puzzles.
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Character: The Killer7 Player: @Coyote Smith SEVEN LETTER WORD FOR KILLER ENDING
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What happened to Orion after the Theatre? Most don't know. I invite you to make your own conclusions.
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Character: Orion Pisces Player: Amalgam
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Hah, a good show all of our actors put on. Though granted the option to escape, he instead chose to stay, tending to the few spirits left behind, and the many more to come. Maybe he'll eventually join them a a member of the audience, but for now... The show must go on.
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Character: Kurukuru Player: @Kurukuru MASKED OVERSEER ENDING
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Nikola Orsinov, unmasked as the Toy Soldier, finally escaped back to her crew! Whilst many adventures lie ahead in the skies, it'll never forget the help of the theatre crew, and the actors in the maze.
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Character: Nikola Orsinov Player: @Nikola Orsinov SECRET IDENTITY ENDING
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Nikola Orsinov 02-Apr-22 10:08 PM
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one last thing
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Though he couldn't claim the role of the director, Valvatti still managed to make his presence and poetic prowess known to all in the theatre through a grand performance. And to top that off, he managed to befriend an ink spirit! Surely they're both enjoying their vacation in toussaint right now, free from the troubles of the theatre.
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Character: Valvatti Player: Popstarian/JSala Objective: Record your perspective of the game events in the form of a poem. Optionally, write the poem into a musical piece and sing and record it. Ability: Master of the Seven Liberal Arts Once every other phase, you may either -Send a poem to a character of your choice, as long as you know where they are, or have other means of getting it to them. The poem can be anonymous, or you can sign it with the name of anyone you want. Or -Send a ballad to any area of your choice. It will be read in full to everyone in the area. Once again, you may sign it with any name of your choice. Either way, the recipient(s) of your piece will receive your choice of a positive or negative bonus with the actual value varying based on the piece's perceived quality. If you send a poem, that character will be given the opportunity to reply to you. Ability: Bardic Inspiration Gain a roll bonus of +2 every time you -convince someone who was initially skeptical that something is utterly, irrevocably true. It does not have to actually be true, they just need to be convinced. -Unveil a previously unknown layer of depth to someone, something, or yourself. -Reveal something that is perceived by someone as important in an overly dramatic fashion. -Inspire someone in some way. You do not need to use this bonus immediately - rather, until you declare that you're using it, it will be saved. The maximum bonus you can have stored is +10. If you have a stored bonus, you may spend a full action to perform a song, giving the bonus to everyone of your choice who can hear you. Role: Actor By giving a strong performance on-stage as the archetype "layered", you will gain favors from the audience!
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Objective Complete? YES Valvatti sung a recap of the game on the final phase. @Valvatti RETIRED BARD ENDING
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